Liquid Diamonds

Liquid Diamonds are hard to find.

24. Februar 2011

Stabbing Westward Control

So much of me is you
I don't know just who
I am
Now I just can't believe
in myself or in anything
And this is what you take from me
And this is what you take from me
And this is what you take from me
And this is what you take from me
I gave you my soul
I gave you control
of me
Now I just can't believe
in myself or in anything
And this is what you take from me
And this is what you take from me
And this is what you take from me
And this is what you take from me
Can't you just believe
"you are my everything"
And this is what you take from me
And this is what you take from me
( Repeat to the point of stupidity... )

Stabbing Westward ist eine Industrial Band aus den Neunzigern. Control war immer mein Lieblingssong von ihrem Debut  "Ungod". Die späteren Sachen fand ich nicht so gut und 2002 hat sich die Band aufgelöst. Zu "Control" gibt es leider kein Video, aber unter folgendem Link kann man sich den Song wenigstens anhören.
 Danke an meinen alten Freund Michael, der diesen Song damals auf eines der vielen Mixtapes packte, die er mir immer schickte. Wherever you are now...
Stabbing Westward is an Industrial Band from the 90ties. Control was always my favorite from their debut "Ungod". The following albums weren't as good as the debut. In 2002 the band broke up. Unfortunately there's no video, but if you go to the link you can listen to the song.