what a grey hostile sky
behind a black skeleton of a tree
and there's nowhere to turn,
no warm little hide
it caught her here today
she transformed into a raven,
feather arms dark wings,
a black shiny raven lost in a winter fairy tale.
it's lonely up here,
so lonely up here...but beautiful

Running through the winter forest
don't get lost in there
see all the ravens in the trees
despair is worser than fear
it's lonely up here,
so lonely up here...but beautiful
she sings
Dieser Text ist schon älter, aber es ist irgendwie lustig...ich habe Black Swan gesehen und erkenne Parallelen.
Desweiteren liebe ich verschneite Wälder, die absolute Stille zwischen den Bäumen und außer Weiß keine andere Farbe weit und breit.
This is an older text from me, but actually I saw "Black swan" and it's strange, cos I can recognize some parallels.
Further I love snowy woods, absolute silence between the trees and no other color in sight but plain white.