where tourists come and go
where some things happen
you would not want to know
I'm a good girl
pray on my knees each night
until he comes to me
and turns out the light
In this little town - where the black dog runs
In this little town - everything's alright
In this little town - you'll find some company
so close, so close
they'll never let you go-go-go
But now all things went wrong
my schoolgirl dream broke down
situation went out of control

The man turned out a demon
the idyll got a nightmare
I know they wait for me
in the fire - towards hell
In this little town - where the black dog runs
In this little town - nothing is alright
In this little town - white and black lodges wait

we know the point of return is gone
I'm coming
step by step
Cooper will be too late
I'm coming
step by step
Cooper will be too late ( repeat till insanity)

Dieser Text ist schon älter, aber ich mag ihn sehr gern. Ich bin David Lynch Fan und finde seine Filme unglaublich inspirierend. Seine eigentümliche Bildsprache und surrealen Ideen verleiten zu eigenen düsteren, alptraumhaften Gespinsten.
This song is quite old, but I really like it. I'm a huge David Lynch Fan and his films are truly inspiring. His very own image language and his surreal ideas seduce me to create my own dark eerie nightmares.