To pray on, or wish on, or something like that
I was having a sweet fix of a daydream of a boy
Whose reality I knew, was a hopeless to be had
But then the dove of hope began its downward slope
And I believed for a moment that my chances
Were approaching to be grabbed
But as it came down near, so did a weary tear
I thought it was a bird, but it was just a paper bag
Hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills
'Cause I know I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up
I got to fold 'cause these hands are too shaky to hold
Hunger hurts, but starving works, when it costs too much to love
And I went crazy again today, looking for a strand to climb
Looking for a little hope
Baby said he couldn't stay, wouldn't put his lips to mine,
And a fail to kiss is a fail to cope
I said, 'Honey, I don't feel so good, don't feel justified
Come on put a little love here in my void,' he said
'It's all in your head,' and I said, 'So's everything'
But he didn't get it I thought he was a man
But he was just a little boy
Hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills
'Cause I know I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up
I got to fold 'cause these hands are too shaky to hold
Hunger hurts, but starving works, when it costs too much to love
Hunger hurts, but I want him so bad, oh it kills
'Cause I know I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up
I got to fold 'cause these hands are too shaky to hold
Hunger hurts, but starving works, when it costs too much to love
Hunger hurts, but I want him so bad, oh it kills
Because I know that I'm a mess that he don't wanna clean up
I got to fold because these hands are just too shaky to hold
Hunger hurts, but starving, it works, when it costs too much to love
A gorgeous song from my girl Fiona whose careers I followed from day 1.
She is an intriguing person with a disastrous past, victim of rape as a child, eating disorder, many pressure from the media and record label, panic attacks on stage...
but she writes the most profound and brilliant lyrics you'll ever read. She uses a vocabulary which is hard to find in any song.
Paper Bag is from her album " When the pawn...". You'll find two videos. First a fantastic live version and second the link leads you to the beautiful official video. Enjoy!
Ein großartiger Song von meinem Liebling Fiona, deren Karriere ich vom ersten Tag an mitverfolge. Sie ist eine faszinierende person mit einer desaströsen Vergangenheit, Opfer einer Vergewaltigung als Kind, Magersucht, Druck von Medien und Plattenlabel, Panikattacken auf der Bühne etc..., aber sie schreibt die tiefsinnigsten und brilliantesten Texte, die Ihr überhaupt lesen könnt. Sie benutzt eine Sprache, wie man sie selten in einem Songtext vorfindet. Paper Bag stammt von ihrem Album "When the pawn..." Es gibt zwei Videos. Erstens eine tolle Live Version und zweitens das schöne offizielle Video. Enjoy!