Liquid Diamonds

Liquid Diamonds are hard to find.

9. März 2013

Esben and the Witch - Live in Cologne

Okay, dear Cosmonauts....finally I present some great pictures from the EATW Concert in February.

It was a trip. The new record is wonderful. It's dynamic, floating, rhythmic and beautiful. It's quite different to the debut, but in a good way, cos it's more open, embracing. My favorite track is "The Fall of Glorieta mountain" which was absolutely stunning in the live performance. Since last year the band underwent a big development. They are more outgoing, more present on stage. The whole set was so rhythmic and dynamic, sometimes it reminded me of Warpaint. Rachel's voice is crystal clear and carries emotions in a subtle and fragile way.
The guy who did the light show seemed to have the fun of his was really good. And I'm quite difficult with light shows, trust me.
But have a look yourselves...